Monday, October 6, 2014

Peanut allergy

Peanut allergy 'phenomenon' solved

(NaturalNews) Why are so many people allergic to peanuts? How weird, right? Between six and ten people out of every thousand are allergic to peanuts! That's up from two out of every thousand just 15 years ago. Some people can't even be in a room where a package of peanuts or peanut butter is opened, and some can't ever eat anything that was packaged in a room where peanuts were packaged.

This hypersensitive reaction can cause a drop in blood pressure and send people into anaphylactic shock and/or cardiac arrest. It's the most common cause of fatal food-related anaphylaxis. Since the most obvious and dangerous route for an allergic individual is unintentional ingestion, let's use our common sense here and figure out that, if the vaccine industry uses peanut oil for manufacturing shots for various diseases and flus, then the ingestion of peanut oil that bypasses the digestive and breathing filters and is injected directly into muscle tissue would cause the most violent and detrimental immune reactions possible.

Now, let's consider WHY, WHEN and HOW OFTEN babies are injected with toxic adjuvants and egg embryo, not to mention peanut oil:

Was that CDC vaccine schedule 30 inoculations before age six? Does the CDC in the USA warn everyone about peanut allergies when they get jabbed with that -- plus mercury (thimerosal), formaldehyde and aluminum -- over and over? Do we have an answer for this, parents? It's time to start demanding the truth. Maybe you could ask the CDC's own whistleblower about autism from the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine!

The Peanut Antigen is STILL PRESENT in Vaccines!

Peanut oil has been used in vaccines since the 1960s. You see, because peanut oil does not SHOW UP in the final vaccine product, the manufacturers are allowed to leave it off the package inserts. That does NOT mean that the peanut antigen is not found in the product. Peanut oil is just one "growth medium" that vaccine manufacturers use to make vaccines, like egg embryo (protein) and casein (milk). This is what they use to make MMR and influenza vaccines. It also says on the flu shot insert not to get more than one jab in a lifetime! Do you happen to know what peanuts and vaccines have in common? Thousands of people are allergic to both.

In 2006, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) exonerated vaccine makers of any damages from vaccinations. They have their own special court now. Wonder why? They know WHY there are so many peanut allergies, and they also know that mercury is poison, especially when injected.

One precedent court case was brought to light on the peanut oil/vaccine phenomenon in 2010 when parents were accused of shaken baby syndrome, but an MD presented corroborating medical information regarding anaphylactic reaction that the six-month old baby boy experienced resulting in tremendous swelling and pressure in the brain. The Prevnar vaccine also contains soy protein [PDF], and there has been a tremendous rise in those allergies in the population. Again, the math is easy to do on all of this.

All of these antigens in vaccines are perceived by the immune system as foreign proteins, and the body ends up attacking itself, leading to autoimmune disorders.

Food allergies are thought to affect 8 percent of U.S. kids, with the most common culprits being cow's milk, wheat, egg, soy and, of course, peanuts. Over one million children living in America today suffer from peanut allergy, of which a large percentage have so severe of symptoms they must carry self-injectable epinephrine at all times. Conversely, hardly a living soul had peanut allergy prior to the year 1900!

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Monday, September 15, 2014

Lymphatic system: how to get it moving

Your lymphatic system:
why and how to get it moving

When the lymphatic system is not working properly, our bodies cannot remove toxins; fight viral, fungal, and bacterial disease; or regulate the amount of fluid in our tissues. In order to achieve maximum health, we must keep this system functioning well and our lymph fluid flowing.

It is a complex system that includes organs, nodes, and vessels that perform three primary functions: fluid balance, fat absorption, and immunological defense.

When the blood reaches the capillaries, fluid is released from the thin-walled capillaries and flows into all of the tissues in the body. This fluid, called interstitial fluid, bathes the tissues with nutrients and gases as it washes over the cells.

The cells absorb nutrients and oxygen and release their waste products back into the interstitial fluid. Ninety percent of the interstitial fluid is reabsorbed by the venous capillaries, to recombine with the blood and flow back to the heart. The other 10% of the interstitial fluid, now called lymph, flows through the lymphatic system and is filtered through the lymph nodes before being returned, ultimately, to the bloodstream.

If the lymphatic system is not working properly, interstitial fluid builds up in the tissues, and the lymph fluid is not properly filtered and cleansed before being returned to the bloodstream.

Circulation of Lymph

The lymphatic system doesn't have a big pump like a heart to force fluid through the vessels. Instead, our bodies rely on our muscles to move the fluid. Our diaphragms and rib cage as well as the blood pumping through our bodies, do assist in this movement. But body movement and exercise is the primary method of moving lymph. A sedentary lifestyle decreases lymph flow by 94%.

Why is it important to Move Our Lymph?

Lymph contains lymphocytes, (white blood cells: T-cells, B-cells, and natural killer cells) that seek out and kill pathogens. As the fluid is filtered through the lymph nodes, a concentration of lymphocytes clean up the fluid before it is returned to the blood.

If the fluid is backed up and not flowing properly, it becomes viscous. The flowing fluid can thicken until it becomes the consistency of cottage cheese. Fluids and waste are not properly drained from the cells, bacteria and other foreign invaders are not properly filtered and destroyed, and disease, including cancer, may result.

How to Move Lymph Through the Body and Assist the Lymphatic System

The major way to move lymph through the body is through movement of any kind. Walking, bending, stretching--any and all movement will assist with lymphatic movement. To really get it moving, bounce. Jump up and down, jump rope, or for the best result, bounce on a rebounder for 15-20 minutes a day. (See the link below.)

You will also benefit from massage, including self massage. (See the link below.) This will assist with flow and move any viscous fluid through the system. Find a massage therapist who is certified in lymphatic massage.

Be sure to hydrate well with clean (preferably spring) water.Beets, berries, and cherries all stimulate the lymphatic system. A healthy diet consisting of 80% raw vegetables and fruits supports healthy lymphatic function as well as general health.

One of Ayurveda medicine's most popular blood purifiers, Manjistha, is known to be an excellent lymphatic tonic. Astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot, or wild indigo root tea are recommended. Detoxifying the bloodhot and cold hydrotherapycandida cleansing, and rebounding are important components to detoxifying the lymph.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Caffeine pill could boost memory

A US study has raised the possibility that we may one day rely on caffeine to boost memory as well as to wake up.
The research, published in Nature Neuroscience, tested the memories of 160 people over 24 hours.
It found those who took caffeine tablets, rather than dummy pills, fared better on the memory tests.
But experts warned people to remember caffeine could cause negative effects, such as jitteriness and anxiety.

The Johns Hopkins University study involved people who did not regularly eat or drink caffeinated products.
Saliva samples were taken, to check base levels of caffeine, then participants were asked to look at a series of images.
Five minutes later they were given either a 200-milligram caffeine tablet - equivalent to the caffeine in a large cup of coffee, according to the researchers - or a dummy pill.
Saliva samples were taken again one, three and 24 hours later.
The next day, both groups were also tested on their ability to recognise the previous day's images.
Altered images
Twenty-four hours may not sound like a long time, but it is in terms of memory studies. Most "forgetting" happens in the first few hours after learning something.
People were purposely shown a mixture of some of the initial tranche of images, some new - and some that were subtly different.
Being able to distinguish between similar, but not identical items, is called pattern separation and indicates a deeper level of memory retention.
More members of the caffeine group were able to correctly identify "similar" images, rather than wrongly saying they were the same.