Visionary internet activist Aaron Swartz found dead; was this brilliant internet revolutionary 'taken out?'
(NaturalNews) Adding to the list of mysterious deaths that have happened over the last few days, internet visionary and brilliant internet activist Aaron Swartz was found dead yesterday. Swartz, only 26 years old, was the co-founder of, the co-creator of RSS technology, and the key activist who achieved a stunning defeat of the freedom-crushing SOPA / PIPA bills in the U.S. Congress.

Swartz was found dead yesterday, and the official story is that he committed suicide. But Swartz himself would have wanted us to question the official story and dig deeper.
After all, his own website, Demand Progress, questions the "PROTECT-IP" act, the insanity of George Bush's Patriot Act, the censorship of free speech by Facebook, the financial scams of Goldman Sachs, the internet kill switch and much more.
He even questioned the TSA's naked body scanners, just like I have here at Natural News.
In fact, when I look at Aaron Swartz, I see him as the next generation of American activists who we all desperately need: energized, intelligent, freedom-loving critical thinkers who spread truth and beat back tyranny and oppression at every opportunity. It's quite clear that had Swartz not been assassinated (er, I mean "suicided"), he would have gone on to be a game changer for freedom in our world.
Click here to watch another important video in which Swartz describes how he and his friends defeated SOPA. In this video, he openly describes the government's proposed copyright legislation as a "tyranny."
Like all truth-tellers, Swartz was branded an enemy by the system. For the act of downloading thousands of academic articles from MIT (yes, academic papers), he was hounded by the FBI, arrested and charged with crimes that could have earned him up to 50 years in prison.
From the charges that were leveled against him for the relatively mild offense of downloading academic papers, it's very clear that somebody powerful was out to destroy him.
Apparently they did just that.
The MPAA, in other words. That's the Motion Picture Association of America. Former U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd is the key lobbyist representing the MPAA. He's now the chairperson and CEO of the MPAA, which has a long history of operating much like a mafia organization in its use of threats and mafia-style intimidation tactics.
In fact, if the MPAA joined with the RIAA (recording industry association), it would create the MAFIAA, jokes one website. See also
Would this mafia pay good money to have Aaron Swartz killed? (Are you kidding me? Do I even have to answer this question?)
Swartz's death is just one of many mysterious deaths that have recently taken place. Just a few days ago, a celebrated rifle manufacturer named John Noveske was killed in a mysterious car crash -- not long after posting details of all the school shooters who were taking psychiatric drugs.
Another prominent internet technology pioneer committed "suicide" just over a year ago. Ilya Zhitomirskiy co-created Diaspora, the so-called 'Facebook-killer' technology that created a free, decentralized technology system that posed a severe threat to the data-mining monopoly of Facebook.
It has also been reported and confirmed that radio host Alex Jones was stalked by gun-toting goons while in New York to appear on CNN. They tried to force him into some sort of altercation, but he escaped by hailing a cab and fleeing the area.
The next day, CNN guests announced live on the air that Piers Morgan should shoot Alex Jones with an AR-15, and they even threatened Alex's children with a thinly-veiled comment about "I hope his children don't die."
Furthermore, another person I know who is a powerful activist for truth and freedom was very nearly killed yesterday in what looks like a planned automobile accident. He doesn't yet wish to release his name or any further details, but from what he described to me, he was just "inches" away from being turned into roadkill.
As these mysterious deaths start to add up, intelligent people are asking questions: Is this part of a deliberate assassination campaign to take out top activists who question the government?
It's not an unreasonable question given our current political climate and the existence of Obama's secret kill list. Even Ron Paul has openly asked the question of who is on Obama's kill list.
But just for the record, in case something happens to me, I am NOT suicidal or depressed or unhappy with life. I'm thrilled to be alive, thrilled to keep moving humanity forward, and thrilled to be part of what can only be called a mass awakening of spiritual freedom in our world.
I'm not taking any medications whatsoever (and haven't for decades), I do not drink alcohol, I do not use ANY recreational drugs whatsoever, I don't visit prostitutes and I'm not in any way a violent person. In fact, I can't even stand the thought of shooting animals (which is why I don't hunt). I actually avoid stepping on ants!
I don't drive at fast speeds on the highway, I don't engage in dangerous hobbies like skydiving, and I'm actually very safety-minded about everything I do.
While I take precautions to protect myself from bad people, I'm obviously not going to detail those on the internet. All I can say is that if someone comes to kill me, they'd better be ready to take some casualties in the process.
I very much doubt people like Aaron Swartz knew much about self defense. He probably didn't even own a gun. But this is a lesson all activists need to take to heart right now: Get armed. Go get trained in basic self defense. Start moving through your environments (cities, streets, parking lots, apartment buildings, etc.) with more of a "tactical" mindset.
Be aware of your surroundings. Stop using credit cards as they instantly reveal your physical location. Turn off your cell phones and remove their batteries whenever possible.
If you don't learn to live a lot like a fugitive, you too might soon be "suicided" as part of what appears to be a national purge of the very best humanity has to offer.
Learn more:
Swartz was found dead yesterday, and the official story is that he committed suicide. But Swartz himself would have wanted us to question the official story and dig deeper.
After all, his own website, Demand Progress, questions the "PROTECT-IP" act, the insanity of George Bush's Patriot Act, the censorship of free speech by Facebook, the financial scams of Goldman Sachs, the internet kill switch and much more.
He even questioned the TSA's naked body scanners, just like I have here at Natural News.
In fact, when I look at Aaron Swartz, I see him as the next generation of American activists who we all desperately need: energized, intelligent, freedom-loving critical thinkers who spread truth and beat back tyranny and oppression at every opportunity. It's quite clear that had Swartz not been assassinated (er, I mean "suicided"), he would have gone on to be a game changer for freedom in our world.
Swartz was targeted by the system
Click here to watch this important video in which Swartz describes the decentralization of information on a free internet. Swartz fully understood the power of setting information free, and this is exactly the opposite of what the corporate-government-industrial-complex wants, which is the monopolization and centralization of power.Click here to watch another important video in which Swartz describes how he and his friends defeated SOPA. In this video, he openly describes the government's proposed copyright legislation as a "tyranny."
Like all truth-tellers, Swartz was branded an enemy by the system. For the act of downloading thousands of academic articles from MIT (yes, academic papers), he was hounded by the FBI, arrested and charged with crimes that could have earned him up to 50 years in prison.
From the charges that were leveled against him for the relatively mild offense of downloading academic papers, it's very clear that somebody powerful was out to destroy him.
Apparently they did just that.
Who benefits from the death of Aaron Swartz?
Who benefits? Hollywood and all its tyrannical copyright-pushing maniacs who want to criminalize anyone who downloads a movie off the internet.The MPAA, in other words. That's the Motion Picture Association of America. Former U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd is the key lobbyist representing the MPAA. He's now the chairperson and CEO of the MPAA, which has a long history of operating much like a mafia organization in its use of threats and mafia-style intimidation tactics.
In fact, if the MPAA joined with the RIAA (recording industry association), it would create the MAFIAA, jokes one website. See also
Would this mafia pay good money to have Aaron Swartz killed? (Are you kidding me? Do I even have to answer this question?)
Mysterious deaths of people who question government now becoming more frequent
The official explanation is that Swartz "hanged himself" with a rope in his own apartment. I'm certain that sooner or later additional information will come out about how he also knocked out his own teeth and beat himself badly before hanging himself, because that's the way these "suicides" of activists usually turn out.Swartz's death is just one of many mysterious deaths that have recently taken place. Just a few days ago, a celebrated rifle manufacturer named John Noveske was killed in a mysterious car crash -- not long after posting details of all the school shooters who were taking psychiatric drugs.
Another prominent internet technology pioneer committed "suicide" just over a year ago. Ilya Zhitomirskiy co-created Diaspora, the so-called 'Facebook-killer' technology that created a free, decentralized technology system that posed a severe threat to the data-mining monopoly of Facebook.
It has also been reported and confirmed that radio host Alex Jones was stalked by gun-toting goons while in New York to appear on CNN. They tried to force him into some sort of altercation, but he escaped by hailing a cab and fleeing the area.
The next day, CNN guests announced live on the air that Piers Morgan should shoot Alex Jones with an AR-15, and they even threatened Alex's children with a thinly-veiled comment about "I hope his children don't die."
Furthermore, another person I know who is a powerful activist for truth and freedom was very nearly killed yesterday in what looks like a planned automobile accident. He doesn't yet wish to release his name or any further details, but from what he described to me, he was just "inches" away from being turned into roadkill.
As these mysterious deaths start to add up, intelligent people are asking questions: Is this part of a deliberate assassination campaign to take out top activists who question the government?
It's not an unreasonable question given our current political climate and the existence of Obama's secret kill list. Even Ron Paul has openly asked the question of who is on Obama's kill list.
I am NOT suicidal, depressed or on any drugs or medications
For the record, no one has attempted to kill me in at least the last 18 months. I am not aware of any threats against me, and I haven't noticed anyone following me or stalking me.But just for the record, in case something happens to me, I am NOT suicidal or depressed or unhappy with life. I'm thrilled to be alive, thrilled to keep moving humanity forward, and thrilled to be part of what can only be called a mass awakening of spiritual freedom in our world.
I'm not taking any medications whatsoever (and haven't for decades), I do not drink alcohol, I do not use ANY recreational drugs whatsoever, I don't visit prostitutes and I'm not in any way a violent person. In fact, I can't even stand the thought of shooting animals (which is why I don't hunt). I actually avoid stepping on ants!
I don't drive at fast speeds on the highway, I don't engage in dangerous hobbies like skydiving, and I'm actually very safety-minded about everything I do.
While I take precautions to protect myself from bad people, I'm obviously not going to detail those on the internet. All I can say is that if someone comes to kill me, they'd better be ready to take some casualties in the process.
I very much doubt people like Aaron Swartz knew much about self defense. He probably didn't even own a gun. But this is a lesson all activists need to take to heart right now: Get armed. Go get trained in basic self defense. Start moving through your environments (cities, streets, parking lots, apartment buildings, etc.) with more of a "tactical" mindset.
Be aware of your surroundings. Stop using credit cards as they instantly reveal your physical location. Turn off your cell phones and remove their batteries whenever possible.
If you don't learn to live a lot like a fugitive, you too might soon be "suicided" as part of what appears to be a national purge of the very best humanity has to offer.
Learn more:
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