Flu shots during pregnancy lead to 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths
(NaturalNews) For years, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has maintained that the combined influenza vaccine, which was first administered during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic flu season, is perfectly safe and actually encouraged for pregnant women. But a new study published in the journal Human and Environmental Toxicology (HET) reveals that, following the mass administration of the untested dual vaccine, which contains the mercury-based preservative Thimerosal, miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women who received it skyrocketed by an astounding 4,250 percent.Based on information compiled from the official government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which only accounts for less than 10 percent of all actual vaccine injury cases, the multiple-strain, inactivated flu vaccine containing mercury was directly responsible for triggering the 4,250 percent fetal death increase, which was seen only during the 2009 pandemic flu season. In the years before the vaccine's administration, as well as in the years after, rates of miscarriage and stillbirth were far lower, pointing to the combined vaccine as the culprit.According to Eileen Dannemann, Director of the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW), the CDC has continually made a conscious and willful effort to cover up this data, which shows the immense dangers of the combined flu shot, and has repeatedly lied to the public with claims that the vaccine is safe for pregnant women. The agency even went so far as to publish a fraudulent study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG) that intentionally withheld critical data on the fetal death spike."Not only did the CDC fail to disclose the spiraling spike in fetal death reports in real time during the 2009 pandemic season as to cut the fetal losses, but also we have documented by transcript Dr. Marie McCormick, chairperson of the Vaccine Safety Risk Assessment Working Group (VSRAWG) on September 3, 2010, denying any adverse events in the pregnant population during the 2009 pandemic season," wrote Dannemann in a letter to Dr. Joseph Mercola about her findings.
Hidden presentation slide reveals CDC knew full well about spike in fetal deaths from flu shot, deliberately tried to hide this information
Since the combined flu shot has never actually been tested for safety, especially in pregnant women, the CDC set up a mock advisory group headed by its own Dr. Marie McCormick to track all adverse events from the shot during the 2009 pandemic season. But as reported by investigative journalist Christina England over at Vactruth.com, neither Dr. McCormick nor any other advisory person ever fessed up with the truth about the flu shot's dangers, even after being confronted with incontrovertible evidence."The Advisory Committee on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) and CDC were confronted with the VAERS data from NCOW on September 3, 2010, in Washington, D.C., and then again by conference call on September 10, and then again in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 28, 2010," added Dannemann in her letter. "On both September 3 and September 10, Dr. Marie McCormick clearly denied that there were any adverse events for pregnant women from the 2009 flu vaccine."To make matters worse, the CDC's Dr. Tom Shimabakuru was caught lying about significant adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccine at the October 28 presentation in Atlanta. According to England, Dr. Shimabakuru had a secret slide in his briefcase that revealed the significant uptick in fetal deaths among pregnant women who received the flu shot, but it was not included in his presentation. It was only after a member of the audience requested information on such adverse events that Dr. Shimabakuru reluctantly and nervously pulled out the slide, further revealing the CDC's extensive efforts to conceal this important information from the public.Be sure to read England's full report on the issue here:http://vactruth.com/2012/11/23/flu-shot-spikes-fetal-death/Sources for this article include:http://vactruth.com/2012/11/23/flu-shot-spikes-fetal-death/http://foodfreedomgroup.comhttp://www.naturalnews.com/030657_vaccines_miscarriages.htmlLearn more:
China admits to existence of 'cancer villages' sprouting up due to extreme pollution, chemical exposure
(NaturalNews) On the heels of my own publication of articles questioning the integrity of "certified organic" when it comes to foods and superfoods produced in mainland China, a blockbuster report from China's own environmental ministry slams another exclamation mark on the severity of the problem. For the first time in history, the Chinese government is now openly admitting that severe exposure to chemicals via water pollution, air pollution and environmental pollution is causing the rise of "cancer villages" across China.
Their report states:Poisonous and harmful chemical materials have brought about many water and atmosphere emergencies... certain places are even seeing 'cancer villages'... (Source)It goes on to admit:[China allows the use of] poisonous and harmful chemical products that are banned in developed countries and pose long-term or potential harm to human health and the ecology.
China is a nation being murdered by chemical pollution
China can no longer deny the truth that its nation, and its people, are being destroyed by toxic pollution. To appreciate the magnitude of this admission, you have to understand that China's government is steeped in the practice of denial. All communist regimes are, of course, delusional at every level, but China has taken denial to a whole new depth of mastery with its longstanding insistence that environmental problems didn't really exist. If a Chinese local saw a wave of bright green sludge pouring down a local river and they complained to the government, they were simply told it was caused by "overpopulation," not by a factory dumping chemical sludge into the river.Pollution? What pollution? Huh?In reality, China has the worst pollution problems of any modern nation on our planet. It has allowed industry to explode at the cost of devastating environmental destruction. Virtually no environmental regulations are enforced. The air, water and food are all toxic. Ninety percent of the water supply to Chinese cities is severely contaminated, and forty percent of the nation's rivers are extremely toxic.This is how "cancer villages" appear, of course: People living in China eat the food grown in China. They breathe the air. They drink the water. And then they start mutating at the genetic level. This results in cancer, birth defects and untold human suffering.
How do foods grown in China get certified organic?
As I have warned Natural News readers over the past few days, the idea that food grown in China can be "certified organic" needs to be seriously questioned. This is especially true given that organic certification does not test for, nor limit, the level of contamination allowed in foods. A food product from China can contain 500ppm of mercury, for example, and still be "certified organic" by the USDA.How does this happen? The USDA licenses organic certifiers to operate in China. Those local certifiers then visit the local farms and make sure they comply with organic certification requirements. Those requirements include not spraying petroleum-based fertilizers, insecticides or herbicides on crops; not using synthetic hormones in animal feed; not planting GMOs, and so on. But organic standards utterly lack any limits on the pollution of irrigation water sprayed on crops. They do not limit how close your crops can be to a chemical plant, nor do they limit the level of heavy metals contamination in the final product.So, by definition, a China-grown "organic" food or superfood can be irrigated with toxic chemical runoff, bathed in chemical plant fallout, and grown in heavy metals-laced soil, and still be "certified organic" and sold at Whole Foods!This realization shocks a lot of people. They had no idea that such heavily contaminated foods could be certified organic and sold at health food stores in the USA.And now, this new report from China's environmental ministry further supports the severity of the problem there. How are people getting cancer in "cancer villages" all across China? By eating the food grown in China! By drinking the water and breathing the same air that falls on crops in China.Why would people who are trying to buy the cleanest, purest food and supplements in North America want to source something grown in the same nation where "cancer villages" are sprouting up like cancer tumors?
Always check the country of origin
If you really stop to think about it for a minute, where do you want your organic foods to come from? The cleanest nations on the planet, right? If you're buying "organic," you want it to be from countries like Canada, the USA, France and Germany.I'm not saying these nations are pristine environments, but compared to countries like China where chemical factories are openly allowed to just flush toxic chemicals right into the rivers, the USA, France and Canada are sparkling clean. This is a case where government -- as cruel and oppressive as it is -- has actually done some measure of good with enforcing environmental regulations against factories and corporate entities. (Yes, the EPA goes way too far in harassing farmers and small business owners, but on the positive side, they have also helped halt all sorts of mega-corporation pollution over the years.)The upshot of all this is that you have to start checking "country of origin" of everything you buy.Personally, I am avoiding almost everything grown in China at this point. I wasn't always that way, but the more I've researched this issue, the more convinced I have become that avoiding China-based food products is a rational, commonsense strategy for avoiding the very kind of toxic chemicals and heavy metals that are causing "cancer villages" to appear across China.Bottom line: If China hopes to continue exporting agricultural products, it must embark in a massive environmental crackdown campaign and stop the poisoning of its nation. Word is already starting to spread, and people everywhere are checking labels and avoiding foods from China. It's only going to get worse, to the point where China will see a crash in its agricultural exports, unless it makes radical and lasting changes to environmental regulations enforcement.
The future of clean food: GREENHOUSES
I'd like to also point out where this is all headed. Thanks to chemtrails (experimental spraying in the atmosphere), factory waste, the fluoride contamination of irrigation waters and other factors, food grown in the open environment is going to become increasingly contaminated. Also, consider this: The trade winds blow air pollution from China straight to the USA, where much of it gets dumped on U.S. soils. Yes, China exports a portion of its pollution to the United States. This alone is reason enough to demand China clean up its act.The answer to all this is food grown indoors, in controlled environments. By growing food indoors (in a greenhouse), you largely avoid the fallout from chemtrails, coal-fired power plants and industrial factory pollution.But it's crucial that this food be grown with a clean, off-the-grid water source such as a clean well or even rainwater collection (very expensive). Otherwise, if you're using city water to grow crops, you're effectively spraying those crops with fluoride, chlorine, and in many cases trace levels of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals that the city water supply doesn't remove.Growing food in a greenhouse year-round practically requires that you invest in a greenhouse that can open its roof. Otherwise, crops overheat in the summer months. What this does is reduce the amount of air pollution falling on crops, but it obviously does not eliminate it.I have investigated this issue in some detail, and a surprisingly affordable solution for retractable roof greenhouses is offered by Cravo Equipment Ltd..Unfortunately, this company caters mostly to large, commercial-scale growers and not residential greenhouses. But they have installed retractable roof greenhouses that literally cover dozens of acres of crops, including avocados in Texas, Tomatoes in Mexico, and everything else you can think of. Their roofs are made of a fiber, sort of like a commercial-grade showed curtain, allowing them to be easily opened and closed using a system of cables. They aren't air-tight, however, so in the Northern USA or Canada, a different solution is needed in the winter months.
Ultimately: Grow your own
Over the next two years, you're going to see me focusing a LOT more editorial effort on gardening and food production. I've come to realize that the only sure way to produce truly clean food is to grow it yourself. Only then can you be 100% confident of what's going into that food.I'm planning on investigating growing systems, including hydroponic systems, aquaculture systems (which produce fish and plants, together) and greenhouse solutions.I'm also going to run lab tests on home-grown produce to see just how clean we can get these crops by using clean well water and soils that have never been sprayed with chemical pesticides or herbicides.The ultimate goal of this is to learn and share as much information as possible on how to easily grow your own food while keeping it as simple as possible. I'll be using soil amendments like kelp, manure and compost. This will all be done on camera and presented in a series of instructional videos posted online for free.Until then, be sure to check the country of origin of all the food you buy. To be on the safe side, avoid anything grown in China. Or if you do eat foods grown in China, ask the packager / manufacturer for lab test results to make sure it's clean.Learn more:
Shaken Baby Syndrome often just a cover story for children who are brain damaged by vaccines
(NaturalNews) Child abuse comes in many forms, and can result in serious and permanent health conditions such as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), a type of brain damage that typically afflicts children younger than one-year-old. But the cause of such abuse is not always physical trauma as many experts claim -- pediatricians, doctors, and government officials routinely abuse children by injecting them with toxic vaccines, which are often the real cause of SBS and other brain damage-related conditions inappropriately blamed on physical abuse allegedly caused by parents and guardians.
It is not something the mainstream media likes to talk about, or that mainstream health authorities will likely ever admit to, but vaccine-induced brain damage is prevalent in today's society, especially as an increasing number of vaccines are added to the childhood vaccination schedule. And based on the available evidence, as well as many years' worth of lengthy investigation into the matter by prominent truth-seekers, SBS in particular appears quite often to be nothing more than a cover condition for brain damage caused by vaccine injections.
SBS, a convenient cover for vaccine-induced brain injuries
The concept of SBS as a legitimate, trauma-induced form of brain damage was first popularized back in the 1970s when it was hypothesized that babies with serious brain injuries that could not be directly linked to external signs of cranial trauma must have been shaken violently by another person. Physical child abuse was essentially declared to be the sole cause of SBS, and eventually became the go-to diagnosis when dealing with inexplicable types of brain damage observed in children.As time went on; however, those paying attention to the situation began to observe a curious pattern with SBS and its relation to vaccine injections. Many children who had been developing normally and growing at a healthy rate prior to receiving routine childhood vaccines, for instance, suddenly stopped progressing and their health actually began to deteriorate. And typically after the second and third round of injections, some children began to develop symptoms similar to those commonly associated with SBS.
Multivalent vaccines directly linked to causing SBS
In a report published in a 1998 issue of Nexus Magazine, Dr. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., wrote extensively about the connection between SBS and vaccines. Through her research, Dr. Scheibner found that multivalent vaccines in particular, which contain antigens for two or more diseases as opposed to just one antigen for a single disease, were closely associated with causing encephalitis and other forms of brain damage. Such vaccines included DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) and the five-in-one pentavalent vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B, and inactivated polio.Since many of the symptoms associated with vaccine-induced brain damage directly mirror those of SBS, Dr. Scheibner and others became convinced that not all cases of SBS were caused by physically-induced child abuse. They also began to call out the medical community for its reckless blanketing of all SBS cases as having been definitively caused by physical abuse, especially when solid evidence was emerging to suggest otherwise."[V]accines like the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine are actually used to induce encephalo-myelitis (experimental allergic encephalomyelitis) in laboratory animals," writes Dr. Scheibner in her paper, referencing a study published in the American Journal of Pathology back in 1980. "This (condition) is characterized by brain swelling and hemorrhaging of an extent similar to that caused by mechanical injuries," she adds, referencing another study published in the Japanese Journal of Medical Science & Biology several years later in 1985.
Many parents of vaccine-injured children falsely accused of child abuse
What this suggests, of course, is that the steady rise in SBS cases over the past several decades is not necessarily due solely to a corresponding increase in child abuse by parents and caretakers, but also to an increase in vaccine reactions. But the medical establishment continues to ignore this evidence, which has resulted in countless parents being falsely accused by the state of abusing theirchildren following rounds of vaccines that left them injured with SBS-type symptoms."Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken baby syndrome' may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage," adds Dr. Scheibner. "Ever since mass vaccination of infants began, reports of serious brain, cardiovascular, metabolic and other injuries started filling pages of medical journals."This is not to say that all abuse-related cases of SBS are false, but rather that at least some of them are being misdiagnosed when vaccines are the real culprit. In fact, package inserts for many vaccines, including the hepatitis B and pertussis vaccines, very clearly explain that neurological conditions such as paraesthesia and paralysis, including the infamous Guillain-Barre syndrome and multiple sclerosis, can all arise in response to vaccine injections.But rather than properly investigate the safety of vaccines, the American justice system, which is heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries, often blames the parents of vaccine-injured children for harming their children. These same parents may be incarcerated for supposedly inflicting damage on their children, and may even have their children taken away from them byChild Protective Services (CPS).This is precisely what happened to a family from South Dakota whose prematurely-born son died just a few weeks after birth as a result of vaccine damage. According to reports, the child, whose name was Cameron, received several rounds of vaccine injections just after birth in accordance with recommendations from the family's doctor, but quickly developed serious complications. Not long after receiving the three-in-one Pentacel vaccine (DTaP, IPV, and Hib), and just one day after receiving the hepatitis B vaccine, Cameron died.Not only did Cameron's parents have to deal with the grief and pain of losing their son, but they also had to deal with false accusations that they were somehow responsible for their child's death. The system tried to claim that Cameron's parents shook him to death, which caused his brain to hemorrhage, and subsequently proceeded to kidnap Cameron's twin brother Dalton and hand him over to CPS. And no acknowledgment was ever made during this process that vaccines could have had anything to do with Cameron's death.Several years later, medical experts finally confirmed that vaccines, and not physical abuse, were the most likely cause of Cameron's death, and Dalton was eventually taken out of the hands of the state and returned to his family. But it took many years of fighting the system for the family to achieve some kind of justice in the matter, and many other families have since had to endure similar abuse by a government that refuses to recognize the dangers of childhood vaccines.
SBS scam continues due to lack of legitimate, long-term vaccine safety studies
Unfortunately, the SBS scam, which protects the vaccine industry from liability for vaccine-induced health damage and death, is unlikely to go anywhere anytime soon. This is due in large part to the fact that long-term safety studies for vaccines are virtually non-existent, making it extremely difficult for parents of vaccine-injured children to defend themselves against child abuse claims."Few published studies on vaccine effects include before-and-after studies of immune parameters or brain function studies such as electroencephalograms, or long-term safety monitoring," says Dr. Harold E. Buttram, M.D., about the lack of proper scientific inquiry into the harmful side effects of vaccines. "Inadequate consideration has been given to the additive or synergistic adverse effects of multiple simultaneous vaccines."Sources for this article include:http://www.nvic.org/doctors-corner/Shaken-Baby-Syndrome.aspxhttp://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/salud/esp_salud33d.htmhttp://www.vaccineeducation.org/shakenbaby.htmhttp://discovermagazine.comLearn more: