Saturday, June 30, 2012

Playing robot

The rock, paper, scissors playing robot that never loses

By Deborah Netburn
Most of us think of the game rock, paper, scissors (Shoot!) as a game of chance.
Some of us, like Douglas Walker, co-author of the Rock Paper Scissors Strategy Guide, consider it a game of physical and psychological skill.
And then there are the scientists at the University of Tokyo's Ishikawa Oku Laboratory, makers of the Janken robot, who have turned the game into an impossible endeavor.
You cannot beat the Janken robot at rock, paper, scissors. The robot will always win. 
Also, Janken is the Japanese name of the rock, paper, scissors game.
So how does the robot always win? The answer is simple: The robot cheats.
The researchers explain that the robot makes its move one millisecond after its human opponent has made his or her move. 
"The wrist joint angle of the robot hand is controlled based on the position of the human hand," the researchers explain on the lab's website. "The vision recognizes one of rock, paper and scissors based on the shape of the human hand. After that, the robot hand plays one of rock, paper and scissors so as to beat the human being in 1ms."
A robot that will win rock, paper, scissors 100% of the time sounds kind of annoying to us, but the researchers said the technology shows the possibilty of cooperation between humans and machines in just a few milliseconds. 
"This technology can be applied to motion support of human beings and cooperation work between human beings and robots etc. without time delay," the researchers wrote.
Also, it is strangely hypnotic to watch a rock, paper, scissors game between human and robot -- as in the video above.
Follow Deborah Netburn on Twitter or Google+

Bt toxin in GM crops

Study: Bt toxin in GM crops kills non-target species
(NaturalNews) A new study out of Switzerland confirms once again that Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin, the nefarious pesticide produced by certain genetically-modified (GM) crops, is harming non-target species. Published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe, the study reveals that two-spotted ladybird (Adalia bipunctata L.) larvae exposed to Bt toxin experience a much higher mortality rate than those not exposed (

Contrary to repeated claims made by Monsanto and other biotechnology industry players about the supposed safety of Bt toxin for non-target species, this new independent study reveals otherwise. It also exposes the illegitimacy of the various industry-funded studies that claim Bt toxin is safe for non-target species, including humans, an unfounded claim that has been proven false time and time again.

The new research, conducted by Dr. Angelika Hilbeck and her colleagues from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, was actually a follow-up to previous research on ladybird larvae and Bt toxin conducted back in 2009. Pro-GM talking heads had tried, but failed, to discredit this earlier research, which was published in the journal Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (

Independent research consistently demonstrates dangers of GMOs

But Dr. Hilbeck's new study, which was not funded by the pro-GM lobby, confirmed the findings of the 2009 study. And in the interest of promoting sound science, she and various others who recognize the very real dangers associated with GM crops, and Bt toxin in particular, are now calling out those who continue to deny reality by insisting that Bt toxin is safe.

"It is time to move beyond the rather 'dogmatic denial' and 'shooting the messenger' stages of the debate and onto the more mature stage of scientific discourse where a meaningful examination of scientific 'surprises' dominates the discussion," said David Gee, a senior science adviser on science, policy, and emerging issues to the European Environmental Agency (EAE) recently.

The EAE, of course, has formed many of its GMO policies based on flawed, industry-funded GMO studies. So Gee and others are urging the agency to begin looking at independent research on GMOs, which tells a far different story than the one being peddled by the likes of Monsanto and the pro-GM American government.

"We do not need biosafety research embedded in the visions of the biotechnology industry that supports unsustainable industrialized agriculture," added Professor Brian Wynne from the U.K. Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics at Lancaster University. "Instead, we need independent research like Hilbeck's which assesses the specific environmental effects of genetic engineering, uses sensitive methodologies and helps indicate the potentially damaging effects on biodiversity as well as on agricultural diversity, of the industrial production systems which GM agriculture only intensifies."

Sources for this article include:

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Panda on an obstacle course


Exclusive clip for Panda Awareness Week

It’s Panda Awareness Week next week (2-7 July) and, just in case you needed to be reminded of how wonderful these animals are, we’ve got an exclusive clip of one young panda having a serious amount of fun on a wooden obstacle course at the Chengdu Panda Base in China.
Watch the video below...
Chengdu’s Panda Awareness Week (PAW) aims to raise awareness of the work being done to protect and nurture the giant panda species. Native to isolated mountain areas in China, giant pandas live in a fragmented habitat that’s heavily influenced by natural and human-caused changes to its environment.
Over the last 50 years more than 55% of the giant pandas’ global habitat has been lost, resulting in dire consequences for the species: it’s estimated that there are just 1,500 to 2,000 giant pandas left in the wild. Obviously conservation of the species through research and breeding is at the top of the agenda for the Chengdu Panda Base, now celebrating its 25th year, and other giant panda sites across the world.
With Edinburgh Zoo already playing host to giant pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang, the UK is the ideal place to celebrate Panda Awareness Week.
Follow the @ChengduPAW Twitter feed or use the #HugaPanda hashtag to keep up-to-date with all PAW activities, including a special event taking place on the streets of London on July 4.
Find out more about the Chengdu Panda Base at
Image credit: Rex and Splash

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

The 10 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency you need to recognize

(NaturalNews) Taking vitamin D while still young may be good for the body in the long run. Results from a study conducted by the University of Zurich have confirmed that sufficient amounts of vitamin D taken consistently are necessary to maintain bone health.

Many people believe that maintaining healthy eating habits is enough, but only few foods naturally contain significant levels of vitamin D. According to Dr. Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, a faculty of UZH, in order to get adequate levels of vitamin D through diet alone, two servings of fatty fish like salmon or mackerel would have to be consumed every day. It is thus necessary to increase vitamin D levels in the body through sufficient sun exposure and supplementation in order to use the sunshine vitamin's full potential for maintaining proper body functioning.

This misconception about maintaining D levels through diet does have a degree of ground since vitamin D is not a stand alone vitamin. To perform many functions, vitamin D works in cooperation with other vitamins like magnesium, which can be found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach. This unique characteristic of vitamin D has contributed to the management of many chronic illnesses.

The many faces of vitamin D

Decades ago, health care professionals thought vitamin D was only good for keeping healthy bones and teeth. Recent advances in science, however, have put this vitamin in the spotlight by revealing its multifaceted role in the proper functioning of the human body and its ability to lower the risk of illnesses not formerly associated with it.

Despite the recent revelations about the potential of vitamin D, it appears that not everyone appreciates this discovery. The current lifestyle of working indoors has contributed to the growing number of vitamin D deficiency cases worldwide. This is compounded by the fact that not everyone is aware that he or she may be vitamin D deficient.

Am I vitamin D deficient?

The best way to discover vitamin D deficiency is to take a blood test that will measure the level of the vitamin in your blood. You can either ask your doctor to administer the test or buy a home test kit do the test yourself. However, you are certainly vitamin D deficient if you have any of the following ailments, and you need to consult with your doctor regarding your preventive, as well as curative, options as soon as possible.

1.) The flu - In a study published in the Cambridge Journals, it was discovered that vitamin D deficiency predisposes children to respiratory diseases. An intervention study conducted showed that vitamin D reduces the incidence of respiratory infections in children.

2.) Muscle weakness - According to Michael F. Holick, a leading vitamin D expert, muscle weakness is usually caused by vitamin D deficiency because for skeletal muscles to function properly, their vitamin D receptors must be sustained by vitamin D.

3.) Psoriasis - In a study published by the UK PubMed central, it was discovered that synthetic vitamin D analogues were found useful in the treatment of psoriasis.

4.) Chronic kidney disease - According to Holick, patients with advanced chronic kidney diseases (especially those requiring dialysis) are unable to make the active form of vitamin D. These individuals need to take 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 or one of its calcemic analogues to support calcium metabolism, decrease the risk of renal bone disease and regulate parathyroid hormone levels.

5.) Diabetes - A study conducted in Finland was featured in in which 10,366 children were given 2000 international units (IU)/day of vitamin D3 per day during their first day of life. The children were monitored for 31 years and in all of them, the risk of type 1 diabetes was reduced by 80 percent.

6.) Asthma - Vitamin D may reduce the severity of asthma attacks. Research conducted in Japan revealed that asthma attacks in school children were significantly lowered in those subjects taking a daily vitamin D supplement of 1200 IU a day.

7.) Periodontal disease - Those suffering from this chronic gum disease that causes swelling and bleeding gums should consider raising their vitamin D levels to produce defensins and cathelicidin, compounds that contain microbial properties and lower the number of bacteria in the mouth.

8.) Cardiovascular disease - Congestive heart failure is associated with vitamin D deficiency. Research conducted at Harvard University among nurses found that women with low vitamin D levels (17 ng/m [42 nmol/L]) had a 67 percent increased risk of developing hypertension.

9.) Schizophrenia and Depression - These disorders have been linked to vitamin D deficiency. In a study, it was discovered that maintaining sufficient vitamin D among pregnant women and during childhood was necessary to satisfy the vitamin D receptor in the brain integral for brain development and mental function maintenance in later life.

10.) Cancer - Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC discovered a connection between high vitamin D intake and reduced risk of breast cancer. These findings, presented at the American Association for Cancer Research, revealed that increased doses of the sunshine vitamin were linked to a 75 percent reduction in overall cancer growth and 50 percent reduction in tumor cases among those already having the disease. Of interest was the capacity of vitamin supplementation to help control the development and growth of breast cancer specially estrogen-sensitive breast cancer.

Prevention is proactive

These various health conditions associated with vitamin D deficiency need not be something to fear. A proactive approach to prevention can assist in the avoidance of the many chronic diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency. For one, thousands of dollars can be saved, not to mention the peace of mind, simply at the cost of taking a walk under the sun. Save the umbrellas for the rainy days.

Sources for this article:,2933,510299,00.html

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High fiber foods

High fiber foods reduce disease

(NaturalNews) According to a health review put together at the Rain Forest Research Institute in India, and recently published in the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health, increased dietary fiber consumption can reduce the risk of developing a number of health complications. Dr. Vikas Rana, who has looked at multiple studies conducted over the last two decades across the globe, explained that dietary fiber can reduce cholesterol levels and decrease blood glucose, maintain gastrointestinal health, increase calcium bio-availability and promote immune function.

What is fiber and why do we need it?

Dietary fiber (also called roughage) consists of the indigestible part of foods, and can be grouped into two categories: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is readily fermented in the colon into gases and active byproducts, whilst insoluble fiber is not fermented, but absorbs water as it moves through the digestive system to form the bulk of the stool. Chemically, dietary fibers consist of non-starch polysaccharides (of which the most well known is cellulose), waxes, chitins and other plant components. Consequently, the term "fiber" is somewhat of a misnomer, since not all indigestible plant substances are fibrous.

To avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, such as gas and loose stool, the Indian review team advises that people gradually increase their fiber consumption throughout the day by including more fiber rich foods, such as whole grains, legumes, fruits (consumed with the skin on), greens, nuts and seeds.

As worrying health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity are wreaking havoc in western populations, scientists warn that early onset of illness may be a sign of fiber-deficient diets, which could easily be corrected naturally simply by consuming a wider variety of plant-based foods. The "western-type" diet is rich in red meat, processed sugars, refined flour and countless unnatural additives, often under the pretext that people don't have enough time to spend on preparing complicated meals that are healthy. Nonetheless, porridge, smoothies, salads, mashed legumes, whole breads and crackers are examples of simple dishes that can significantly improve fiber intake. Even having just one or two more unpeeled fruits each day is beneficial to gastrointestinal health.

A warning for future generations

"Consuming adequate quantities of DF [dietary fiber] can lead to improvements in gastrointestinal health, and reduction in susceptibility to diseases such as diverticular disease, heart disease, colon cancer, and diabetes. Increased consumption has also been associated with increased satiety and weight loss," concluded the science team. For both current and future generations, now just may be the time to educate ourselves on the impact of dietary fiber on long term health.

The scientists note that since fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes are widely available all year round in western countries, getting people to eat more fiber is simply a matter of education. This way, individuals may avoid making unhealthy, low-fiber dietary choices throughout their lives.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. In 2010, Michelle created, to share with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eugenics technology

Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck, becomes drug development partner with top global vaccine manufacturer

(NaturalNews) When you buy Microsoft products, you are now promoting the pharmaceutical industry and its global vaccine agenda. That's the new reality in which we live, where the world's largest software company is "in bed" with the world's largest vaccine pusher.

How so? In 2009, Microsoft purchased a key piece of technology from the drug company Merck, the world's largest maker of vaccines (which Bill Gates says can help "reduce the global population" by 10 to 15 percent). That technology, as you'll see below, can conceivably be used to develop eugenics vaccines that target specific races and nationalities with infertility-inducing pharmaceuticals -- something that is entirely consistent with Bill Gates' openly-admitted goal of reducing world population through the use of vaccines (see link to video below).

This gene-targeting vaccine research technology purchased by Microsoft was developed by the company known as Rosetta Biosciences, formerly owned by Merck. Their software is described as a way to "figure out how genes interact with each other, analyze peptides and metabolites, and determine how they relate to gene expression." (

An announcement on the Rosetta Biosoftware web site explains, "The deal allows Microsoft to incorporate genetic, genomic, metabolomic and proteomics data management software into the Microsoft Amalga Life Sciences platform for enhanced translational research capabilities." (

This same announcement goes on to say that vaccine maker Merck will "provide strategic input to Microsoft" as a part of the deal. Merck's strategy, of course, is to make money by pimping vaccines and pharmaceuticals, including the now-infamous Gardasil vaccine.

Rupert Vessey, the vice president of Merck Research Laboratories, openly admits this deal puts Microsoft in the role of being a drug developer. He says, "We look forward to collaborating with Microsoft to develop new bioinformatic solutions to enable and expedite drug discovery and development..."

This is a key statement to understand, because the term "bioinformatic" can only mean one thing. What stores information in biology? These is only one digital storage system in human biology, and that system is, of course, DNA. Therefore, the idea of developing "bioinformatic solutions" really means to develop "gene-targeting drugs and vaccines."

This is fully consistent with Bill Gates' admitted agenda of reducing world population with the help of drug company technologies. At a TED conference, he announced in front of a live audience: "...if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [global population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."(

See the video yourself at:

All this comes on the heels of other recent news that Bill Gates is funding sperm-destroying technology to cause widespread male infertility ( His foundation has also funded genetically modified mosquitoes and other mad science experiments (

Microsoft the new leader in eugenics technology?

What's clear from all this is that Bill Gates is pursuing an agenda of human depopulation. This is a similar agenda of those who pursue eugenics efforts around the globe, including Adolf Hitler and a long list of former FDA Commissioners in the United States. One of the most common ambitions of those in the highest positions of power, it seems, is to cull the human population and eliminate "the little people," leaving only a "master race" of supreme beings.

Even major universities around the globe are now teaching students that human beings are evil for merely being alive and exhaling carbon dioxide, and that killing off humans is "green" for the planet.

In order to kill off large swaths of human beings, the most efficient mechanism to use is a self-replicating, gene-targeted bioweapon. Microsoft's Amalga Life Sciences technology, purchased from vaccine developer March, theoretically provides a viable platform to develop precisely such bioweapons. It is interesting that no announcements from the company appear to have been made since being acquired by Microsoft in 2009, indicating that their work is now being conducted in total secrecy, behind closed doors.

U.S. government admits developing weaponized, deadly flu strains

Recent headlines reveal that the United States government has also secretly funded bioweapons research that resulted in the development of super-deadly flu strains that could wipe out far more than just 15 percent of the human population. As revealed in recent news headlines:

"Scientists agreed Friday to a 60-day moratorium on research into a modified avian flu virus that has been demonstrated to be more transmissible among mammals. Although the investigators believe their research has a public health benefit, they acknowledge the fear of some governments and others that the genetically altered virus could escape from labs and infect people." (

That may be precisely the point, it turns out. There is no better way to promote the vaccine profits of the pharmaceutical industry than to actually release an engineered bioweapon virus into the wild. And there is no faster way to reduce the world population than to engineer either a vaccine or a weaponized flu virus that burns through the human population, targeting those of an "undesirable" genetic profile who need to be "cleansed" from the human gene pool.

This about this the next time you think about purchasing Microsoft Office, Windows or some other Microsoft product. By doing so, you are funding what could very well be a global eugenics agenda with the ultimate goal of wiping out a significant proportion of the human race.

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First-line ADHD treatment

Health lifestyle changes are being used by many parents as first-line ADHD treatment

(NaturalNews) A new study conducted at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that parents are relying more and more on natural therapies and healthy lifestyle options to improve their child's attention and behavior. The research results were published in the January issue of the medical journal Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies.

Parents prefer natural therapies

Statistics reveal that each year, up to 10 percent of school-age children are diagnosed with ADHD. Under guidance from pediatricians, parents are increasingly interested in making correct dietary and lifestyle choices for their children.

"Many parents are reluctant to put their children on medication for ADHD, and instead want to first try healthy lifestyle options to help promote optimal focus and attention," explained professor of public health sciences Kathy Kemper, who led the study. Dr. Kemper also clarified that the aim of her research was to determine what parents are interested in learning about from an integrative pediatrician when they seek alternative treatments for ADHD. Integrative pediatrics is a holistic practice that focuses on reaffirming the importance of a positive doctor-patient relationship, while incorporating complementary and alternative medicine techniques to achieve optimal health and healing.

For this study, the science team looked at intake forms, physician reports and laboratory studies for no fewer than 75 patients who had sought the counsel of an integrative pediatrician over the course of 18 months. Eighty-seven percent of patients were referred by their doctors, while the rest were referred by specialists. Thirty-one percent of the involved parents stated that they were concerned about ADHD, but only 13 percent of the children were taking medication. According to their findings, many of the children with ADHD often suffer from other types of ailments for which they receive treatment from medical specialists. However, those same specialists avoid recommending ADHD medication.

Doctors don't always recommend medication as a first choice

Dr Kemper is confident that her research results point to an emerging trend among both parents and doctors, where focus is shifted from medication to lifestyle improvements. On the one hand, parents walk into the pediatrician's office with questions on how diet, exercise, stress management and sleep can help improve their child's health. On the other hand, doctor recommendations are sometimes centered on health improvement information and whole-foods diets.

Dr. Kemper advises parents that, "if your child has trouble concentrating in his mid-morning math class, be sure he eats a really good breakfast, or try having him go to bed an hour earlier to see if that helps. If your child can't sit still to do homework when he gets home from school, have him go outside to shoot some hoops and then try doing homework. I recommend using low-risk, healthy lifestyle approaches first before resorting to medication."

A list of board-certified integrative pediatricians can be found on the American Academy of Pediatrics' website.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. In 2010, Michelle created, to share with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.

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HPV vaccination

Medical journal openly questions science, ethics of HPV vaccinations

(NaturalNews) On January 12, 2011 the Annals of Medicine published a ground-breaking peer-reviewed paper titled, Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: Are they at odds?, 1written by renowned researchers Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D., and Christopher Shaw, Ph.D., with the Neural Dynamics research Group, University of British Columbia, in Vancouver. 2.

The article points out to the medical community what most consumers now know about the fraudulent global health agency policies in combination with the pharmaceutical companies lack of science based evidence demonstrating the safety and efficacy of Gardasil and Cervarix before they were unleashed on unsuspecting parents of adolescents.

Clinical Trials on Healthy People vs. Mass Vaccination Campaigns

Tomljenovic and Shaw clearly state the obvious in their abstract by stating that vaccines represent 'a special category of drugs generally given to healthy individuals and therefore a small level of risk for adverse reactions is acceptable.'

Merck's clinical trials were flawed because they used an aluminum adjuvant as a 'placebo' and only used saline as a comparative for minor, non-serious adverse reactions. With serious adverse reactions, they pooled the results from the saline group and the aluminum 'placebo' group. By doing this, they concealed the true rate of serious reactions.

If FDA approved drugs and vaccines were as safe and effective as Pharma would like consumers to believe the risk level should be negligible to none. The FDA removal of drugs after they have been on the market and damaged desperate people looking for cures who then have to file lawsuits to recover damages is simply unacceptable.

Medical Ethics Questioned

The authors also point out the myth of informed consent - basically a waiver signed by medical consumers that they have been 'educated' about the risk vs. benefit ratio of the drug about to be administered. Tomljenovic and Shaw open their paper citing that 'medical ethics demand that vaccination be carried out with the participant's full and informed consent' and not just the handing out of the HPV vaccine Patient Product Insert - prepared by none other than the vaccine's manufacturer.

What the authors do not cover in this paper is what happens to informed consent when governments grant children the right to consent to medical procedures, such as California's recent passage of AB 499 - basically granting parental rights of children ages 12 and older to the state for the treatment of STD's. Is it really because the 'state' knows better - or is it because legislatures have been paid off by the pharmaceutical companies?

The authors go on to state:

"What is more disconcerting than the aggressive marketing strategies employed by the vaccine manufacturers is the practice by which the medical profession has presented partial information to the public, namely, in a way that generates fear, thus promoting vaccine uptake.........It thus appears that to this date, medical and regulatory entities worldwide continue to provide inaccurate information regarding cervical cancer risk and the usefulness of HPV vaccines, thereby making informed consent regarding vaccination impossible to achieve."

Money Talks - Nobody Walks - but the Vaccine Injured

According to Maplight California - a web site that reveals money's influence on politics, contributions from interest groups to CA legislators who supported the bill were $2,174,648 - more than 28 times the $76,404 given to interest groups who opposed the bill.It is also interesting to note that republican based groups and pro-life groups were on the dissenting side vs. the overwhelming number of liberal and democratic groups supporting the bill.

Similar bills are now in front of South Carolina and Florida legislatures. We are now personal witnesses to the erosion of medical ethics encouraged by politicians abundantly rewarded with special interest contributions.

Tomljenovic and Shaw continue their message by reminding medical professionals that 'contrary to claims that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide, existing data show that this only applies to developing countries. In the Western world cervical cancer is a rare disease with mortality rates that are several times lower than the rate of reported serious adverse reactions (including deaths) from HPV vaccination.'

The author's state - what should become the mantra of all medical practitioners and consumers concerned about vaccine safety and efficacy:

Future vaccination policies should adhere more rigorously to evidence-based medicine and ethical guidelines for informed consent.

Tomljenovic and Shaw cite these key messages:

- To date, the efficacy of HPV vaccines in preventing cervical cancer has not been demonstrated, while vaccine risks remain to be fully evaluated.

- Current worldwide HPV immunization practices with either of the two HPV vaccines appear to be neither justified by long-term health benefits nor economically viable, nor is there any evidence that HPV vaccination (even if proven effective against cervical cancer) would reduce the rate of cervical cancer beyond what Pap screening has already achieved.

- Cumulatively, the list of serious adverse reactions related to HPV vaccination worldwide includes deaths, convulsions, paraesthesia, paralysis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), transverse myelitis, facial palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, anaphylaxis, autoimmune disorders, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, and cervical cancers.

- Because the HPV vaccination programme has global coverage, the long-term health of many women may be at risk against still unknown vaccine benefits.

- Physicians should adopt a more rigorous evidence-based medicine approach, in order to provide a balanced and objective evaluation of vaccine risks and benefits to their patients.

- The almost exclusive reliance on manufacturers' sponsored studies, often of questionable quality, as a basis for vaccine policy-making should be discontinued.

- Greater efforts should be made to minimize the undue commercial influences on academic institutions and medical research, as this influence may impede unbiased scientific inquiry into important questions about vaccine science and policies.

- Passive adverse event surveillance should be replaced by active surveillance to better understand the true risks associated with vaccines, particularly new vaccines.

The abstract of Tomljenovic and Shaw's paper, Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: Are they at odds? is posted on the SANE Vax Inc. web site. The entire paper can be accessed via this link on or after January 12. Share the 12-page paper with your medical practitioner, school nurses, and boards of education considering enforcing state legislation, and parents or guardians considering HPV vaccination for their child. Should you have difficulty accessing the entire paper you may contact the corresponding author via email at

The entire paper can be accessed via this link on or after January 12. Share the 12-page paper with your medical practitioner, school nurses, and boards of education considering enforcing state legislation, and parents or guardians considering HPV vaccination for their child.

Medical consumers need to demand the healthcare industry stop focusing on 'drug policies' and direct efforts toward uncovering science-based evidence to identify those actually at risk for the disease. As Tomljenovic and Shaw readily point in their dissertation on the HPV vaccine, the risk of cervical cancer is relatively small to justify a mandatory mass vaccination program with vaccines of questionable safety.

SaneVax Inc. views the presentation of partial and/or non-factual information regarding cervical cancer risks and the usefulness of HPV vaccines, as cited above, to be neither scientific nor ethical. These practices do not serve public health interests, nor are they likely to reduce the levels of cervical cancer. Independent evaluation of HPV vaccine safety is urgently needed and should be a priority for government-sponsored research programs.


1.Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: Are they at odds?Annals of Medicine,

2. Maplight California -AB 499 - An Act to Amend Section 6926 of the Family Code, Relating to Minors

Story by Norma Erickson and Leslie Carol Botha of SANEVAX, INC. 

Please visit our site at

About the author:
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine. Our primary goal is to provide the information necessary for you to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also provide referrals to helpful resources for those unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related injuries.

We are demanding the HPV vaccines be taken off the market until an independent study on their safety and efficacy has been conducted. Until then, we are committing our efforts to an educational media campaign to alert the public about the dangers of the HPV vaccines.

SANE Vax, Inc. is involved in the ground-breaking production of the One More Girl Documentary which will premier in 2012. Please join our cause by contributing to this project by contacting Ryan Richardson, Producer at

For more information, please visit our site at

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Powerful rejuvenating substance

Science identifies powerful rejuvenating substance - Nitric Oxide

(NaturalNews) Human beings have always been looking for the perfect regenerative tonic. In my book the The Tao of Rejuvenation I detail the ancient search and identify some of the great elixirs that have been used to restore health and extend life. Even so, the key understanding is that it is the human body itself that produces the great life restoring chemistry. As it turns out, the long sought elixir of the ancients is actually produced by the body when all of it's systems are purified and boosted.

When we eat right, when we exercise, when we serve others, when our lives are happy and full of love, the body secretes a powerful regenerative chemistry that protects and extends our days. Over the last several years, research scientists under the direction of Dr. Nathan Bryan at the University of Texas have pointed to nitric oxide as the essential regenerative substance produced by the body. As their research continues to progress they are discovering that nitric oxide deficiency seems to be a culprit in all kinds of imbalances, such as bone loss, diabetes and cancer. Perhaps nitric oxide is the long sought, legendary tonic.

Nitric Oxide (NO) is a fundamental chemical messenger manufactured by the body within the circulatory system and it's production relaxes and expands the blood pathways. This increases blood flow to all the organs and cells, restoring the health and strength of the cardiovascular tissue. By the age of forty, nitric oxide production begins to decline. This significant decline in NO production appears to be universal. Even so, the cardiovascular system never loses its ability to relax and open. It is the absence of NO that accounts for the fact that a person in their fifties and sixties has about half the circulatory capacity they had in their twenties.

The impact of this finding on our health and well begin is profound: if we boost NO production in the body, we are counteracting the aging process at the fundamental level of the circulatory system.

As it turns out, many of the foods and herbs that have been traditionally used for cardiovascular healing are highly effective nitric oxide precursors. Dr Bryan's research not only confirms traditional approaches but it also allows us to formulate simple and effective strategies for rejuvenating the body. Through the persistent practice of cultivating nitric oxide production, we may even be able to eliminate cardiovascular disease in the future.

NO Producing Foods (NO precursors):

Kale, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Spinach and Beets top the list. Those wonderful cancer protecting cruciferous vegetables - cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli are also strong NO precursors. Eat liberally from these foods.

Feel free to have some dark chocolate after your veggies. The news on dark chocolate just keeps getting better. Cocoa increases NO production in the body. Recent research demonstrates that regular eaters of dark chocolate have significantly less heart disease. Choose low glycemic dark chocolate rather than the overly sweetened kind.

NO Producing Herbs:

Many of the medicinal herbs which have been used for centuries to heal and rejuvenate the cardiovascular system proved to be powerful NO precursors. Hawthorn, Chinese Salvia, Peony Rubra, Fructus Trichosanthus, Prunella vulgaris and Chinese Ginseng are among the best. Classical heart and blood rejuvenation formulas work very well. Traditional Botanical Medicine's Heart Protector and Cultivation formulas contain an abundance of NO producing herbs.

Over time we will see more and more NO rich products entering the market using herbs, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B12 as key ingredients. Recent developments in our ability to measure NO in the body confirms the effectiveness of these supplements.

Foods And Practices Detrimental To NO Production:

Cigarette smoking, lack of exercise, shallow breathing, drinking soda and eating junk food, dehydration, poor sleeping habits. It is no surprise that all of these things decrease NO production in the body.

The biological half life of nitric oxide is very short, so persistence is key. In our own clinical experiments we have found that two doses of NO rich food and herbs daily, one in the morning and one after lunch, dramatically increases circulation and energy. NO levels seem to peak about 30 minutes after consumption of the food and herbs. The beauty of Dr Bryan's research is that it affirms the virtues of traditional healing approaches, traditional medicines, right and natural living altogether.

Sources: The Nitric Oxide Solution by Bryan, Zand and Gottlie Neogenis, Austin, Texas, 2010

About the author:
Angelo Druda practices oriental medicine in Cobb, California. He is the founder of Traditional Botanical Medicine and the Author of The Tao of Rejuvenation.

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The science of vitamin C

The science of vitamin C - The evidence of its beneficial effects on health is undeniable

(NaturalNews) Among all supplemental vitamins, vitamin C may be the most controversial. The scientist most responsible for bringing vitamin C's benefits to the public, Linus Pauling, has been vilified in an attempt to kill the messenger and marginalize the message. But proof of vitamin C efficacy continues despite the medical mafia's suppressive efforts.

The November 24, 2011 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine newsletter discussed a study referenced in PubMed that linked high blood levels of vitamin C with lower incidence of heart failure, while lower serum levels of vitamin C were connected to higher death rates. (1) The study summary abstract is here (

If you peeked at the report summary, you'll have noticed that the study was based on determining if high vegetable and fruit consumption is beneficial for heart health. Most of us know this already, but the bio-marker used in the study was vitamin C serum blood levels. 

Orthomolecular medicine relies on the application of high dose supplements to treat both mental and physical disease. High doses are often rendered by injection or IV for critical situations, such as the one that rescued a New Zealand farmer from his near death coma (

In 2007, the CDC reported over 600,000 deaths from heart disease. The newsletter examines this study with the angle that supplementing with inexpensive vitamin C would increase your vitamin C blood levels safely.

According to the newsletter, each 20 micromole/liter (μmol/L) of vitamin C in the blood reduced the heart failure death rate by nine percent. It may take only 500 mgs of vitamin C to achieve 80 micromoles/liter.

Since vitamin C is not produced by the human body, and absorption rates vary among individuals, it's apparent that taking more even more vitamin C is a good heart health investment.

Some vitamin C facts and fiction

Orthomolecular MDs are amazed at the prevailing vitamin C misinformation. The recommended dosage amounts (RDA) listed for vitamin C are just enough to prevent scurvy, at best. But for optimum health the dosages should be much higher. (2)

Those sites and reports that are sanctioned by the medical mafia recommend staying below 2000 mgs of C daily to avoid diarrhea. But the threshold of vitamin C maximum intake is determined by when diarrhea begins. And that varies from individual to individual.

One of the ten websites that spread vitamin C misinformation also warns of cancer from too much vitamin C. This Reuters Health report has been rebutted by Science magazine, but continues to be spread around. (3)

All vitamin C, regardless of origin, is the same molecule known as ascorbic acid. Whether from a natural source or synthetic, most experts consider the results to be the same. Large dosages should be taken in smaller amounts throughout the day to maintain maximum blood levels. (4)

Mega dose vitamin C by IV or injection for critical conditions is based in ascorbate powder, which buffers the ascorbic acid's acidity. Mega-dose vitamin C transforms the antioxidant to oxygenate cells. Thus it can be used to treat even cancer. Straight ascorbic acid is too severe to be rendered by injection or IV. (5) Ascorbate forms of oral vitamin C supplements are good for people with sensitive stomachs also.

Sources for this article include:






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Angry Imran

Angry Imran

Imran's Tsunami in the Android Store!
Angry Imran is a game whose main theme is inspired from Angry Birds. This v1.0 (beta) is the result of a request from a group of friends. It is a tribute to the emerging leader of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan.
So take on the driving seat and help him in his TSUNAMI of Revolution.

*Brain freeze does not have any political affiliations with any party*

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Omega-3 fats

Omega-3 fats reduce systemic inflammation and lower feelings of anxiety

(NaturalNews) The Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA continue to garner well deserved attention as essential components of human health. Researchers publishing in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity show that the long-chain fat duo significantly lowers elevated levels of systemic inflammation, the metabolic flame that promotes most chronic conditions from heart disease and cancer to dementia and diabetes. The study authors found that consuming more fish or supplementing with omega-3 fish oil reduced both anxiety and inflammation among a group of young healthy individuals. Many health-minded children and adults alike will want to ensure adequate fish consumption from diet or supplementation with fish oil to lower dangerous cellular inflammation and reduce the underlying effects of anxiety.

A team of researchers from Ohio State University set out to determine the science behind more than thirty years of data that suggests a link between psychological stress and immunity. Omega-3 fats including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are known to be critical nutrients required for early development and health maintenance in the human diet. Earlier research suggested that the long-chain fatty compounds might play a role in reducing the level of inflammatory metabolites in the body known to promote inflammation and even reduce depression.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce the Effects of Stress and Anxiety by Twenty Percent

The study authors wanted to test the theory that increased production of inflammatory cytokines in the body was caused by psychological stress and that increased levels of omega-3 fats could be used to mitigate the metabolic process and reduce inflammation. They assembled a group of 68 volunteer medical students known to be under a high degree of stress. The students were divided into six groups and interviewed at six intervals during the study to determine their levels of stress, anxiety or depression. Half the participants were given omega-3 supplements while the other half were given placebo pills.

Study co-author Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition, explained: "The supplement was probably about four or five times the amount of fish oil you'd get from a daily serving of salmon, for example". Or, it was an equivalent to 1,200 mg EPA/DHA from a fish oil supplement. The results of the psychological surveys demonstrated an important change in anxiety among the students. Those receiving the omega-3 supplements showed a 20 percent reduction in anxiety compared to the placebo group. Blood samples taken from the medical students showed a similar reduction in circulating inflammatory factors.

Inflammation is a natural immune response necessary to protect us and help the body heal. Systemic inflammation from stress and the release of cytokine chemicals in the body are behind many chronic illnesses ranging from arthritis to heart disease to cancer. Ensure proper omega-3 status by including fatty fish in your diet several times each week or by supplementing with an organically distilled fish oil supplement and lower stress, anxiety and whole-body inflammation.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
John Phillip is a Health Researcher and Author who writes regularly on the cutting edge use of diet, lifestyle modifications and targeted supplementation to enhance and improve the quality and length of life. John is the author of 'Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan', a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise, Mind and Targeted Supplementation to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource to continue reading the latest health news updates, and to download your Free 48 page copy of 'Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan'.

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Vitamin E and prostate cancer

Vitamin E increases risk of prostate cancer? More junk science from JAMA
(NaturalNews) A "science skeptic" who routinely attacks vitamins and holistic health therapies recently reported the following in his newsletter:

Study questions vitamin E safety.

A major clinical trial has found that dietary supplementation with vitamin E appears to increase the risk of prostate cancer among apparently healthy men. [Klein EA and others. Vitamin E and the risk of prostate cancer: The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT). JAMA 306:1549-1556, 2011]

The study, which spanned more than seven years, followed what happened to more than 35,000 men who received either 400 IU of vitamin E, vitamin E plus selenium, selenium, or a placebo. The group that received vitamin E alone had a 17% higher incidence of prostate cancer. The researchers warned:

"The observed . . . increase in prostate cancer incidence demonstrates the potential for seemingly innocuous yet biologically active substances such as vitamins to cause harm. The lack of benefit from dietary supplementation with vitamin E or other agents with respect to preventing common health conditions and cancers or improving overall survival, and their potential harm, underscore the need for consumers to be skeptical of health claims for unregulated over-the-counter products in the absence of strong evidence of benefit demonstrated in clinical trials."

I sent this report to my colleague, Randy Ice, of Vintage Medical in Temecula, California. Randy is no stranger to Big Pharma's junk science and came back with an answer that, for me, represents the type of rigorous thinking we all should be doing when it comes to analyzing mainstream media. The rest of this article is all Randy.

Let's start with the statistical sleight of hand these goofballs use to come up with "17% increased risk." This requires an understanding of "relative risk" versus "absolute risk" and why they always report the former and never the later:

Out of 35,000 men randomly divided into placebo, selenium, vitamin E or selenium plus vitamin E, there were 521 cases of PCA that developed over three years. The absolute risk of developing PCA is only 0.005% per year. That's not a very high ABSOLUTE risk to begin with!

The PAC rates in each of the 4 groups were:

Placebo: 113
Vitamin E: 147 (17% RELATIVE risk increase)
Selenium: 143 (non-significant)
Vitamin E + Selenium: 118 (non-significant)

So, if you take 400 iu's of alpha tocopherol, there is a statistical relative risk increase of "17%." However if you take selenium, or vitamin E plus selenium, there is NO statistical difference.

Why wasn't that reported?? Why would vitamin E alone increase risk while vitamin E taken with selenium not increase risk? This makes no sense at all.

However, they didn't report the negative findings and only sensationalized a finding that has "statistical significance" but NO clinical significance. Here's why.

Fun with statistics

If you take 147 - 113 cases, it equals 34 more cases of PCA in the vitamin E group than the placebo group. 34/35000 total subjects =0.001% ABSOLUTE increased risk. In other words, the actual risk of developing PCA is 1 out of 1000 more in those who took Vitamin E instead of a placebo.

34/113 = 17% - the "relative risk" increase, which is what is reported. If you were to tell men vitamin E increases your risk of PCA by a factor of 1 in 1000, who would care?

But if you report a 17% increase, that's pretty scary!

This is the same statistical garbage used by Big Pharma to "prove" many of their worthless drugs "work" when in reality they only benefit 1 in 100 or 1 in 1000, as is the case of statin drugs. Unfortunately, the ignorant, compliant and complacent Big Media reporters have no clue and dutifully quote this junk science. I already have clients calling me telling me their urologist told them to stop taking Vitamin E.

What they also did not report was the difference in SURVIVAL between these four groups, or if there were any differences in the aggressiveness of the PCA in any of them. What if the selenium or Vitamin E groups had lower
Gleason scores on biopsy? That would be an obvious benefit. This is exactly what you find with testosterone. Lower levels lead to higher Gleason scores and a more aggressive cancer.

Undoubtedly there are no differences in mortality in any group, as PCA has only a 3%/year mortality. Since the mortality rate of everyone is about 1.5%/year, it's pretty obvious this is a condition that is better off left alone or treated with some low tech, inexpensive natural methods.

Never forget that the CDC has reported on deaths from vitamins, minerals and herbs ever year and for the last 20 years that number is ZERO! Over 100,000 deaths occur every year in the USA alone from drug adverse reactions and is probably close to half a million or more worldwide.

So, is taking Vitamin E more dangerous than taking a pharmaceutical?

Finally, the use of only one form of vitamin E and not all four forms (alpha, gamma, beta, delta) combined with all four forms of tocotrienols is another limiting factor to this study, combined with the fact that 400 iu's is a very low dose (the selenium dose used in this study is also ridiculously low). Recent cardiovascular studies show one obtains the most benefit from 2000 - 2500 iu's/day of all four forms of tocopherols and tocotrienols, with gamma tocopherol having the most powerful anti-cancer effect.

Big Media conveniently leaves out the fact that 1000's of other studies of vitamin E have shown multiple cardiovascular and antioxidant benefits. These kind of vitamin "hit" pieces that are poorly designed and have an underlying agenda to "prove" they're dangerous are being instigated by Big Pharma's minions to implement European style restrictions in accessibility to vitamins, minerals and herbs. The ultimate goal is to gain control over the supplement industry such that a doctor's prescription will be required to obtain them in any dosage above some bureaucrat determined minuscule amount that has no benefit whosoever. The competition will hence be eliminated for Big Pharma.

Welcome to the NWO and Codex Alimentarus!

About the author:
Get the free mini-course taken by more than 10,000 people, Three Soul Stirring Questions That Reveal your Deepest Goals.

Learn more about Mike's down-to-earth life coaching that comes with a lifetime membership to the iNLP Center online school and receive a free life coaching strategy session.

Mike Bundrant is the host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program, and the co-founder of the iNLP Center.

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Green tea

Green tea shown to fight obesity

(NaturalNews) Pennsylvania State University researchers have discovered yet another impressive property of green tea - it can slow down weight gain and counter obesity. This recent study analyzed the health development of a test group of obese mice that were fed a high-fat diet mixed with green tea extracts, and compared it to that of a control group of obese mice that were fed the same diet, without the green tea compounds. The mice in the test group gained weight at a much slower rate than the mice in the control group, and they appeared to be in better health overall.

Assistant professor of food science in agricultural sciences, Joshua Lambert, who was part of this research, explained that "in this experiment, we see the rate of body weight gain slows down."

Green tea is believed to have originated in China, although many Asian cultures traditionally prepare and consume this type of tea. It is produced from the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have only undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea has the highest content of antioxidants among commonly consumed foods and beverages, and that is why it has consistently attracted scientific attention over the last few decades.

Green tea can also provide the body with considerable amounts of carotenoids, vitamin C, and trace elements (including chromium, manganese, selenium and zinc). Both animal and human studies have revealed that green tea has the potential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and to help with the prevention of tooth decay by improving bone quality and density, as well as to fight against different forms of cancer.

The study recently conducted at Penn State had the test mice on a high-fat diet enriched with Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (or EGCG), which is an important compound found in green tea that is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. These mice gained weight at a 45% slower rate than the control group of mice, who were on the same high-fat diet.

The mechanism of action is believed to be linked to how the body absorbs fats. The analysis of fecal matter from the test mice revealed that they eliminated 30% more lipids than the mice in the control group, which implies that green tea may reduce lipid absorption.

Assistant professor Lambert explained: "[T]here seems to be two prongs to this. First, EGCG reduces the ability to absorb fat and, second, it enhances the ability to use fat." Moreover, green tea had no impact whatsoever on appetite, as both groups of mice consumed roughly equal amounts of food. To match the EGCG quantities used in the study, a normal person would have to drink around 10 cups of green tea per day; however, Lambert assures us that only a few cups per day may also help obese individuals control body weight.

He also added that although his study was conducted on mice, "human data, and there's not a lot at this point, shows that tea drinkers who only consume one or more cups a day will see effects on body weight compared to nonconsumers."

Assistant professor Lambert's team included Kimberly Grove and Sudathip Sae-tan, who are both graduate students in food science, as well Mary Kennett, professor of veterinary and biomedical sciences. The study was featured in the online version of the journal Obesity, and it is supported by the National Institute for Health.

The science team pointed out that although green tea interferes with lipid absorption in individuals of all body weights, its impact is more noticeable when used with overweight individuals who want to shake off extra pounds.

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]

Sources for this article include:

About the author

Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. In 2010, Michelle created, to share with people her approach to the raw food diet and detoxification.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Homeopathy works !

Scientific proof that Homeopathy works

(NaturalNews) Most scientists would state categorically that homeopathy is a scientific impossibility. Who would disagree, as the explanation that is currently provided to support homeopathy makes very little sense. How is it possible that a solution that contains no chemical atoms causes a biological reaction? All of our basic understanding of science screams out that this is patently impossible.

But what if all that we have been taught at school, at university and at work is in fact only part of the truth. What if there was a missing part of our education that provides the missing link that makes subjects such as homeopathy scientifically obvious. What if there is much more to our body than simply chemicals.

It took me two years of research to uncover this hidden area of science. Once I did, the scientific explanation for many controversial areas of science, including homeopathy, became uncontroversial. What I am about to teach you about homeopathy is just one of the many areas of science that have been hidden from us which are finally exposed in my book, Blinded by

If we look at homeopathy from a completely different area of science other than chemistry then we can begin to understand how homeopathy really works. It is just like one of those intellectual games that people play, where the answer is so obvious once you know it, but impossible if you don't

Take the following puzzle:

You are in front of three light switches only one of which turns on a light in the adjacent room. You only have two attempts to find out which of the three switches work. Without being able to see the effect of the switches it is impossible to know which of them work, it is a mathematical impossibility. However, by using a different area of science, the solution is incredibly simple. The answer lies with the heat generated from the light and not the light itself. If you turn on a switch and then turn it off again and go and feel if the light is hotter then in two attempts you will know exactly which of the light switches turns on the light.

Now if we turn back to homeopathy, we have to look at it from the same idea and say that the idea that chemicals are the issue is irrelevant to solving the problem.

It is not the chemicals in the solution that cause a biological change but the vibrations that emanated from the chemicals, which have an affect. The massive missing part of our education is simply the concept of "vibrations" and everything that they affect. In the puzzle above, the light caused the bulb to heat up through vibrations and so two ideas were working at the same time, light and heat. The same is true with every aspect of our body, it works on two levels, a chemical one and a vibrational one, they go hand in hand, one does not work without the other.

As every electron vibrates uniquely and everything is made up of electrons then it is incontrovertible to state that everything vibrates, absolutely everything. So if everything vibrates, it would seem fairly logical that one vibration must affect another. Just take sound as an example, a choir all singing together sounds very different from a school playground.

The same thing happens in our body, you get choirs in parts of our body where it is healthy vibrationally and noisy playgrounds where our body's organs are malfunctioning causing vibrational disharmony and sickness.

This idea is hugely controversial as it contradicts everything that we have been taught. The tragedy however, is that science has proven it to be true in thousands of different studies, but has not promoted is as it implies that pharmaceutical drugs are not the only cure in town.

So if vibrations are the answer what about the big idea that is put forward by homeopaths that is it also to do with the concept that water has some sort of a memory to provide evidence that homeopathy works scientifically.

This is total nonsense and provides yet more ammunition to everyone who wants to dismiss a perfectly sensible area of science as pseudo-science. WATER DOES NOT HAVE A MEMORY. Of course it doesn't. Water has amazing functions but memory is not one of them.

Water has the amazing property that enables it to change its vibrational pattern to the chemical or environment in which it is in. This is an incredibly important point and one that needs to be remembered, water is a chameleon, adapting itself to its environment vibrationally.

As an example, in one experiment, if you treated a cup of water with a specific vibrational frequency the water would change itself to that specific vibration and it would stay like that forever. It would only change if it came across a different vibration.

This vibrated water if ingested directly and instantly affects our body's biological functions. Depending on the vibrational frequency of the water, different illnesses can be treated.

I have not included the specific scientific experiments here that prove all of the ideas I have outlined, but you can look them up for free on my website at in the bibliography section on the website.

The conclusion from my research is that if you add a chemical into a solution and then remove all traces of that chemical from the solution, the specific chemical vibrational remains which has the same biological affect as if the chemical were still in the water. The body recognises the new vibration and reacts accordingly.

This idea has radical implications for our health as it means that not only do we have to question the water that we drink but also our environment in which we live which is saturated with man made vibrations from all of the electronic machinery that we use in our every day lives. What damage are they in fact doing to our health?

So hopefully, in these few paragraphs I have shown that it is scientifically logical for homeopathic treatments to work, through the properties of vibrations. The problem that I have, however, is this: how do homeopathic treatments work when they are in solid pill form. For this I do not have the answers. I can only confirm that homeopathy is a very simple science in principle when it is in a solution and should be embraced by the scientific community.

About the author:
Matthew Silverstone is the author of Blinded by science, a book that will completely change your attitude to your health.

Blinded by Science offers a theory which when applied to factors like water, plants, the Sun and the Moon all seems to make perfect sense. As simple as it sounds, it is the theory that everything vibrates. The book explains that everything vibrates from the nucleus of an atom to the molecules of our blood, our brain, sound, plants, animals, all the way into outer space. Once this basic principle is understood, everything suddenly becomes clear. Once you apply this theory to the world around you, you will be astounded by what you learn. Find out more at

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Tai Chi

Tai Chi improves a variety of medical conditions

(NaturalNews) We see them in parks slowly and softly moving their limbs in seemingly random ways. We may pass them without thought, but do these Tai Chi practitioners have anything to teach us? As it turns out, Tai Chi is an extremely beneficial practice that grants all kinds of health benefits. The slow flowing moments actually constitute a deceptively complex exercise with amazing health effects. This is due to the fact that one of the main goals in Tai Chi is to integrate the mind and body into a single practice.

Practitioners of the traditional art sing its praises, but what does contemporary science have to say about it? Presented below are the summaries of three studies conducted by prestigious institutions and completed in the first half of 2011.

In May, scientists at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center have published a double-blind study on the effects of practicing Tai Chi and drinking green tea. The results, collected from 171 women, demonstrated that practicing Tai Chi enhanced markers of bone health and muscle strength. "Participants taking tai chi classes also reported significant beneficial effects in quality of life in terms of improving their emotional and mental health." The study also found that practicing Tai Chi and drinking green tea both had a substantial effect on decreasing oxidative stress." Since oxidative stress is a main precursor to inflammation, "this finding suggests that green tea and tai chi may help reduce the underlying etiology of not only osteoporosis, but inflammatory diseases as well."

The April 25th issue of Archives of Internal Medicine published a Tai Chi study that was jointly conducted by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School in Boston. One hundred patients with systolic heart failure were randomized and placed either in a 12 week Tai Chi group or in a time-matched education group. The researchers concluded that Tai Chi "may provide value in improving daily exercise, quality of life, self-efficacy and mood in frail, deconditioned patients with systolic heart failure." In other words, practicing Tai Chi helped people with heart failure become happier and more independent.

Finally, researchers at UCLA published a study in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry in March concerning the effect of Tai Chi practice on depression in the elderly. The study tested 112 adults aged over 60 with major depression and randomized them into either a two-hour per week Tai Chi group or an education group. After 10 weeks, the researchers found that not only had the Tai Chi group fared significantly better at reducing depression than the education group, but they had also significantly improved physical functioning, cognitive functioning and a decline in C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation.



About the author

Dave Gabriele, D.Ac, BA, is a registered acupuncturist, a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine and a health researcher helping people in and around the Greater Toronto Area. He is the founder of Life Balance Family Health Care (, an organization committed to providing people with the information and guidance they need to make positive lifestyle changes. Dave has been a teacher of Chinese martial arts since 1997, including the arts of Taiji and Qigong.

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